Each player picks two aspects from those below when creating a character. The same aspect cannot be picked twice. A player may choose to start with only one aspect, picking up a second aspect at any later point (if they wish to start weaker, roleplay a dramatic awakening, are not sure what else they want, whatever):
True Mage
Regardless of how you came to it, you were trained in the ways of a true mage and earned the right to call yourself such by manipulating the basest force of Avarka.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You can learn primal magic, the art of raw force and direct manipulation of magic. Primal magic spells cost 30g per spell level to learn.
- You automatically learn the Minor Telekinesis and Shield spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of every art.
- Chose a single non-primal magic art.This art is your "focus".
- Whenever you learn a 2nd level or higher spell of your focus art, you can learn any lower level primal spell for free (e.g., if your focus is Fire and you buy a level 3 fire spell you can learn a level 2 primal spell for free)
- Once per post, you can cast a 2nd level or lower Primal spell without it counting against your spell per post (For example, you could cast shield and another spell in the same post).
Forged Road
There are some people in this world, more than you'd think, that are physically called to their professions. Whether born with an innate set of talents or forged in a crucible of their own making, these people are uniquely gifted in their fields.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- Choose a profession (Thief, musician, hunter, etc). You gain two additional minors (or one more potent item/ability/whatever) that must be related to this choice.
- Anytime you spend gold to learn a specialist skill or warrior technique, if that skill is related to your profession of choice (staff note: we'll accept "technically related, sorta"), you need only spend 75% the regular gold cost of learning that skill. What exactly this represents varies - perhaps you didn't need to spend as much gold paying trainers, wasted less training materials, etc.
- You can spend 500(375 after discount) gold to develop a custom, staff-approved skill or ability that is related to your profession. This gold cost might represent time spent training instead of making money, materials, etc. This can be done any number of times.
Warrior Prodigy
You are a punch-kick mc-stab-shooter. You are good at the violence.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You learn one of the following Leveled Talents: Rush Down, Drunken Style, Leaping Dervish, Mountain Style, Stealth Tactics, Needle Style, Enlightened Combat. This skill is leveled by the number of Battle Posts (BP) you have accrued. Each post spent acting in combat is a Battle post. Each of these skills offers an alternate way to level the art-based LTs granted by other aspects (I.E. without having to learn spells), with each talent tied to a different art (For example, Enlightened Combat is tied to Vital)
- You possess the equivalent of the Martial Stances and Techniques basic training (I.E. You already "completed" the training [no BP/Gold needed]).
- You gain an additional minor. This minor must be somehow related to your LS or otherwise be physical in nature (Acrobatic ability, increased starting strength, a fighting technique, etc).
- The number of times you need to use warrior techniques to master them is halved.
Water Borne
The theory goes that all people are mostly made of water. You instinctively know this to be true, further knowing that you are not just made of water but filled with it, each heartbeat a soothing tide.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Glacier, Mistkeeper, Living Tide. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level water spell you know.
- Whenever you use a spell per post to cast a 2nd level or lower water spell, you may simultaneously cast that spell twice instead. For example, you could cast Soak on two different targets.
- Your water spells that effect gallon(s) of mist/liquid/snow instead effect twice as many gallons. This stacks with the benefits of the Flood spell.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn water magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new water spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the water art.
Fire Branded
No one walks away from the flame unmarked, but where others leave with scars you carry something greater. All things burn, you can either help that process along or flee in terror.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Mantle, Lord of Flames, Infusion Sage. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Fire spell you know.
- Once per post you can cast a 2nd level or lower fire spell without it counting towards your spells per post. You cannot use this to cast more than two spells in a post, even if you have other abilities that let you cast extra spells (e.g. If you have both Fire Branded and Earth Bound you can't cast a spell, a bonus fire spell, and a bonus earth spell in the same post because 3 > 2).
- Any of your fire spells that act with some level of effective strength (average, strong, etc), are one level stronger.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn fire magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new fire spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the fire art.
Storm Called
The winds themselves seem to whisper to you, thunder over the horizon beckons you. The power of the storm lies within you and when the hairs on the back of your neck raise, lightning is sure to follow.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Dynamo, Tempest Knight, Sky Song. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Storm spell you know.
- Once per post you can cast a 3rd level or lower Storm spell without it counting towards your spells per post. You cannot use this to cast more than two spells in a post, even if you have other abilities that let you cast extra spells (e.g. If you have both Storm Called and Earth Bound you can't cast a spell, a bonus storm spell, and a bonus earth spell in the same post because 3 > 2).
- You can substitute any similar motions to the ones required by your storm spells - such as thrusting out a sword instead of your palm.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn storm magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new storm spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the storm art.
Earth Bound
Sturdy as the mountain, strong as steel. You are tied to the earth and it to you, providing a sense of patience and sturdiness unmatched by others.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Monolith, Quakelord, Pet Rock. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Earth spell you know.
- Once per post you can cast a 2nd level or lower Earth spell without it counting towards your spells per post. You cannot use this to cast more than two spells in a post, even if you have other abilities that let you cast extra spells (e.g. If you have both Storm Called and Earth Bound you can't cast a spell, a bonus storm spell, and a bonus earth spell in the same post because 3 > 2).
- The size/volume/etc your earth spells with limitations measured in feet is increased by 50%. For example, the maximum length of your stoneblade spell would be 6' instead of 4' and your sandstorm spell would have a 75' radius instead of 50'.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn earth magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new earth spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the earth art.
Umbral Soul
Transient, mesmerizing. You feel a kinship to light and shadow, the stars in the sky and the unlit depths.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Glassweaver, Visionary, Shadowtwin. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level umbral spell you know.
- Whenever you use your spell per post to cast an umbral spell, you may simultaneously cast that spell twice instead. For example, you could cast blind on two different targets. Any other restrictions, like needed summon slots, do not change (you do not gain the ability to maintain more summons).
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn umbral magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new umbral spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the umbral art.
Transcendent Body
Those who gaze at world’s majesty often forget the incredible wonder that is their own ability to gaze in the first place. This wonder is not lost on you; every flex, every blink is a reminder of the grandeur that is your own form.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Adonis, Legion, Flesh Golem. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Body spell you know.
- You gain an additional summon slot (2->3) that can only be used for body spells.
- You can use your summon slots to maintain any physical alterations made to your own body via your 2nd level or lower body spells as though they were summons.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn body magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new body spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the body art.
Vital Heart
Life surrounds us, both in space and time. You feel this bond more strongly than most, diving into it and relishing the constant flow of existence.
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Your natural talent has the following benefits:
- You gain one of the following Leveled Talents: Harmonic Weapon, Waking Dreamer, Ancestral Mass. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Vital spell you know.
- Whenever you use your spell per post to cast a vital spell, you can simultaneously cast a 3rd level or lower vital spell without it counting towards your spells per post.
- You may treat any living thing within 5' of you (including yourself), as being "touched" for the purpose of casting vital spells on them.
- It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn vital magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new vital spells.
- You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the vital art.