Who Are We?

Welcome to Aurora Sky! We are a Sword and Sorcery roleplay. Check out the area above this box if you're interested in making a character, and check out the cbox below if you have any questions! Hope to RP with you soon!






Each player picks two aspects from those below when creating a character. The same aspect cannot be picked twice. A player may choose to start with only one aspect, picking up a second aspect at any later point (if they wish to start weaker, roleplay a dramatic awakening, are not sure what else they want, whatever):

True Mage
Regardless of how you came to it, you were trained in the ways of a true mage and earned the right to call yourself such by manipulating the basest force of Avarka.

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Forged Road
There are some people in this world, more than you'd think, that are physically called to their professions. Whether born with an innate set of talents or forged in a crucible of their own making, these people are uniquely gifted in their fields.

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Warrior Prodigy
You are a punch-kick mc-stab-shooter. You are good at the violence.

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Water Borne
The theory goes that all people are mostly made of water. You instinctively know this to be true, further knowing that you are not just made of water but filled with it, each heartbeat a soothing tide.

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Fire Branded
No one walks away from the flame unmarked, but where others leave with scars you carry something greater. All things burn, you can either help that process along or flee in terror.

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Storm Called
The winds themselves seem to whisper to you, thunder over the horizon beckons you. The power of the storm lies within you and when the hairs on the back of your neck raise, lightning is sure to follow.

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Earth Bound
Sturdy as the mountain, strong as steel. You are tied to the earth and it to you, providing a sense of patience and sturdiness unmatched by others.

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Umbral Soul
Transient, mesmerizing. You feel a kinship to light and shadow, the stars in the sky and the unlit depths.

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Transcendent Body
Those who gaze at world’s majesty often forget the incredible wonder that is their own ability to gaze in the first place. This wonder is not lost on you; every flex, every blink is a reminder of the grandeur that is your own form.

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Vital Heart
Life surrounds us, both in space and time. You feel this bond more strongly than most, diving into it and relishing the constant flow of existence.

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