Character Sheet |
(This post was last modified: 07-09-2018, 10:46 PM by Magikeeper. Edited 1 time in total.)
Adoption Type: [OldPC] Sven Stenbjörn Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 24 Height: 6'0 Weight: Average Strength: Very Strong Physical Description: Sven stands at 6ft with broad shoulders and a bulky, muscular build. He has medium length, dark brown hair typically tied back in a knot. His skin is a lightly tanned white. Despite his turmoiltous time as a town guard, his body possesses no physical scarring or signs of lasting injuries. Apparel: Sven dawns a rough leather armor covering all of his torso, save for his biceps and forearms. He does wear a pair of spaulders, consisting mostly of leather with bits of iron reinforcing the shoulders. He also wears a pair of leather gloves and bracers. His pants and boots are the standard issue equipment given to the guards of Tiburon. Sven typically prefers to travel around the town and surrounding areas with very minimal extra equipment. Backstory: Sven Stenbjörn has spent his entire life in Tiburon. His father was a traveling merchant of moderate renown, while his mother is owns and operates a bakery in town. Sven's father was away most of his life, only periodically visiting his son and wife when his trade routes took him near Tiburon. When Sven was 13 years old his father arrived again by sea to visit. In his travels, he had become incredibly ill. In his state he could no longer travel and chose to live the last of his days by the sides of his wife and son. One late dreary evening, Sven's father sat down with him and told him of his favorite travels. It was during this night that his father lamented that he spent so much time away from his loved ones. He stressed the importance of home life and not taking your loved ones for granted. Before they both retired for the night, Sven's father gave him a gift. It was a war scythe of simple beauty. He had acquired it from another trader in exchange for helping escort him through a particular dangerous trade route. The trader had boasted that the war scythe was made of bones and scale of a dragon. By mornings light, Sven's father had passed away. The next few years were difficult on Sven and his mother. It was only through his joining of the town guard at the age of 17 that Sven found a sense of purpose. Sven spent these years honing his martial ability through training and the repelling of Tiburon's enemies. Though the work was dangerous, Sven felt that he and his war scythe did his part to help the people of the only home he's every known. The Story Of Sven: Affiliations and Contacts: Town guard of Tiburon, currently on leave. Traveling companion of Jebidiah Badash. Skills and Abilities Guard: As a member in good standing of the Tiburon town guard, Sven still has connections there. If he needs aid within the city's jurisdiction, he can call upon the aid (either physical or informational based) of the guard. He can't call more than a couple guards from their station, and not for very long at that. But, they will aid him as best as they can. [Minor 1] Guard Training: Having gone through the training of the town guard, Sven is stronger than average. His strength is increased by one level. [Minor 5] Extreme Strength Training - 0/50 BP As the name implies. Increases strength by one level. Aspect: Transcendent Body Those who gaze at world’s majesty often forget the incredible wonder that is their own ability to gaze in the first place. This wonder is not lost on you; every flex, every blink is a reminder of the grandeur that is your own form. Your natural talent has the following benefits: You gain the following Leveled Talent: Adonis. Your level in this talent is equal to the highest level Body spell you know. You gain an additional summon slot (2->3) that can only be used for body spells. You can use your summon slots to maintain any physical alterations made to your own body via your 2nd level or lower body spells as though they were summons. It takes far less effort than normal for you to learn body magic - you need only spend 30g per spell level to learn new body spells. You can learn the highest level spells (8+) of the body art. Leveled Talent: Adonis ADONIS - Your attunement with body magics passively alters your body, awakening your inner potential turning you into a an embodiment of physical perfection. Lvl 0. Your skin is clear and flawless, unscarred or marked by blemish or time. You can exercise complete control over your bodily functions (heartbeat and the like). Lvl 1. Your immune system quickly deals with any illness, disease or pathogen. Lvl 2. Your eyes are clear and piercing, your irises a brilliant shade of their color [Green]. A sense of your choice becomes enhanced. [Sense chosen: Hearing] Lvl 3. Your body rapidly burns excess fat and builds your musculature to maintain a perfect equilibrium. You can control the type of physical sensation your touch causes. Lvl 4. Your strength level naturally increases by a level. Your leaping ability doubles. Aspect: Earth Bound (currently unawakened). Leveled Talent: QUAKELORD (currently unawakened). Spells Body LEVEL 1 Center - Passive. Strengthen your body's core muscles and shift your center of gravity, allowing you to keep your balance in most situations. LEVEL 2 Numb - Cause a target to reduce blood flow to their extremities, soothing surface pain and bleeding but also reducing manual dexterity. LEVEL 3 Harden - Thicken and toughen your skin into a leathery armor, rendering you resistant to slashes and burns. LEVEL 4 Suppress - Through striking a part of a person's body in melee, you can partially paralyze that body part for a post. This can slow limbs, cause shortness of breath, etc. Weapons and Armor War Scythe: Reference An ancient, at least as far as he has been told, polearm given as a gift from his departed father. He has been told that the handle is made from the bone of a dragon, and the head is made from a sharpened scale of the same green dragon. Over the years, the polishing and wear on the handle has left it free from knicks and comfortable to grip. The scale blade has the design of a serpentlike dragon carved into it. It is mod 4. Runes: Homebound, Loyal. [Minors 2+3] Bite of the Dragon: When the blade makes contact with the flesh of another creature, the outline of the dragon intensifies and the eyes begin to glow lightly. If it draws blood, the one struck feels a sensation of burning around the wound that persists until the wound is healed magically or mundanely. The sensation is not enough to cause more than mild pain, this is enough to distract and irritate the one struck. [Minor 4] Other Magical Possessions Other Mundane Possessions Rough leather armor covering all of his torso, save for his biceps and forearms. A pair of spaulders, consisting mostly of leather with bits of iron reinforcing the shoulders. Leather gloves and bracers on both arms. Pants and boots are the standard issue equipment given to the guards of Tiburon. Gold: 0 |