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Dr. Hannigan's Grand Hunting Expedition

Posts: 21
Gold: 21 gp
3 Attached Accounts
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The tents and other equipment must have been enchanted somehow because despite not noticing how it was accomplished they seemed to have disappeared and the only trace of it was Harold standing by with a large rucksack. Dr. Hannigan was already walking towards the edge of the forest beckoning the others to follow her with an excited smile. "Let's be off then! No time like the present!"

They moved out of the camp and into the forest, Dr. Hannigan was pulling Oolla along excitedly badgering her about which direction to go which turned out to be northwest. The first few hours passed without incident although they did move at a pace that may have been taxing on anyone not used to travelling through the thick wooded terrain. The sun was just past its pinnacle when Harold suggested they stop for lunch soon. The group came upon a small clearing with what looked like the mouth of an underground cave towards the far end. Dr. Hannigan began rummaging through Harold's ruck sack and produced a basket filled with magically preserved sandwiches and flasks of chilled water. "Well then this seems like a good a spot, although I must admit ominous caves often turn out to contain dangerous creatures! Should we stop here?"


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RE: Dr. Hannigan's Grand Hunting Expedition - by Trabant180 - 11-01-2018, 01:13 PM

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